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Sanandaj’s Urban Furniture
Client: Sanandaj’s Beautification Organization
One of the main urban elements is its furniture. Urban furniture not only has use and function, but also has an aesthetic aspect. Urban furniture of every city must be unique and specific for it. Cultural and urban identical elements play essential roles in this approach. The main role of urban furniture is to create places which are effective in the improvement of living quality and appropriateness of visual view of the city. As a result, arrangement and equipping urban furniture with new, creative and attractive elements must consider special functions and provide mental comfort and welfare. Furthermore, a variety of furniture which is used in streets and spaces should protect their effectiveness as an urban art in comparison with other elements in the city. In addition of aesthetic, strength and resistance are other two important factors. Generally, Vandal resistance is related to design solutions.
This product shows innovative and unique properties such as aesthetic of bended steel surfaces in combination with thermowood. Suitable strength or resistance of this steel seat is counted as one of the creative designs which is performed in bends and surfaces of seat’s legs. The seat is made of steel and wooden surfaces. Also, it is installed by a strong connection to concrete of pavements. The idea of the form in this seat is inspired with bending paperboard and simple origami techniques.[/vc_column_text][movedo_empty_space][/vc_column][vc_column column_effect=”mouse-move-x-y” column_effect_limit=”3x” column_effect_invert=”true” width=”7/12″][movedo_single_image image=”20782″][/vc_column][/vc_row]