[vc_row padding_top_multiplier=”4x” padding_bottom_multiplier=”2x” equal_column_height=”middle-content”][vc_column width=”5/12″][movedo_title heading_tag=”h2″ heading=”h2″]
Perfume Stand for Memo Brand
Client: Ervin Tejarat Nojan
[/vc_column_text][movedo_empty_space][vc_column_text]Presentation of the brand and its difference with other samples are very important these days because of the existed competitive space in the market. stands play essential roles in showing and selling products. There must be some rules in designing and making stands which are proper to them in order to affect people’s ideas. After attaining general information in terms of brand and its activities, the first step for design is making a stand to conduct studies in brand recognition field, its products, organizational color and logo and so on. Products which must be putted on the stand are observed in some aspects such as their sorts, dimensions, number, weight, color and the ways of arranging.
After collecting required information, some concepts and etudes are presented to determine dimensions of the stand, number of shelves, maintaining place for goods, color of stand, logo or brand placement, installation place for poster or putting brochure and so on. All of the aforementioned features must be accepted by customers. After that, initial ideas are modelled with 3d modelling software programs. Finally, the selected and final design is made. The main criterion in designing this stand is paying attention to brand identity. In other word, designing this stand is conducted based on brand features such as color, forms of perfume bottles and their packages.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column column_effect=”vertical-parallax” column_effect_limit=”3x” column_effect_invert=”true” width=”7/12″][movedo_single_image image=”20887″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row padding_top_multiplier=”3x” padding_bottom_multiplier=”3x” equal_column_height=”middle-content”][vc_column column_effect=”vertical-parallax” column_effect_limit=”5x” column_effect_invert=”true” width=”7/12″][movedo_single_image image=”24661″][/vc_column][vc_column width=”5/12″ css=”.vc_custom_1536563671092{padding-right: 50px !important;}”][movedo_title heading_tag=”h2″ heading=”h2″]Challenges of designing the product
- Presentation of products on the shelves
- Presenting new products of the brand
- Using light
- Using golden and black combination of perfume bottles and their packages in designing the stand
- Ease of accessing to different products on shelves of the stand