Sanandaj’s Urban Furniture


Sanandaj municipality

Sanandaj’s Urban Furniture

Client: Sanandaj municipality

Urban furniture not only makes the public space of cities, but also is counted as a main part of the city identity. The elements of public urban furniture give an innovative identity to physical places which are used for human life. Regarding of the massive and public use of every element of urban furniture such as seats, paying attention to form and appearance of this product has an essential importance. Surveying aesthetic aspects, the place in which the product is used, physical and mental abilities, social status, habits, scales and human dimensions, weather conditions and other factors are effective in designing urban seats and furniture. The purpose in this project is overcoming the space with less comfortability and more traffic in cities and urban environments.

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[/movedo_title][vc_column_text]Client: Sanandaj municipality

Urban furniture not only makes the public space of cities, but also is counted as a main part of the city identity. The elements of public urban furniture give an innovative identity to physical places which are used for human life. Regarding of the massive and public use of every element of urban furniture such as seats, paying attention to form and appearance of this product has an essential importance. Surveying aesthetic aspects, the place in which the product is used, physical and mental abilities, social status, habits, scales and human dimensions, weather conditions and other factors are effective in designing urban seats and furniture. The purpose in this project is overcoming the space with less comfortability and more traffic in cities and urban environments.[/vc_column_text][movedo_empty_space][/vc_column][vc_column column_effect=”mouse-move-x-y” column_effect_limit=”3x” column_effect_invert=”true” width=”7/12″][movedo_single_image image=”20831″][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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تعداد امتیازات: 0 - میانگین امتیاز: 0

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